
This guide will walk you through the basics of schema definition, data serialization, deserialization and validation.

Declaring Types

Let’s start with a your application-level model:

class Person(object):
    def __init__(self, name, birthdate):
        self.name = name
        self.birthdate = birthdate

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Person name={name} birthdate={birthdate}>".format(
            name=repr(self.name), birthdate=repr(self.birthdate),

You want to create a JSON API to load and dump it. First you need to define a type for that data:

from lollipop.types import Object, String, Date

PersonType = Object({
    'name': String(),
    'birthdate': Date(),

Serializing data

To serialize your data, pass it to your type’s dump() method:

from datetime import date
import json

john = Person(name='John', birthdate=date(1970, 02, 29))
john_data = PersonType.dump(john)
print json.dump(john_data, indent=2)
# {
#   "name": "John",
#   "birthdate": "1970-02-29"
# }

Deserializing data

To load data back, pass it to your type’s load() method:

user_data = {
    "name": "Bill",
    "birthdate": "1994-08-12",

user = PersonType.load(user_data)
print user
# {"name": "Bill", "birthdate": date(1994, 08, 12)}

If you want to restore original data type, you can pass it’s constructor function when you define your type:

PersonType = Object({
    'name': String(),
    'birthdate': Date(),
}, constructor=Person)

print PersonType.load({
    "name": "Bill",
    "birthdate": "1994-08-12",
# <Person name="Bill" birthdate=date(1994, 08, 12)>

To deserialize a list of objects, you can create a List instance with your object type as element type:

    {"name": "Bob", "birthdate": "1980-12-12"},
    {"name": "Jane", birthdate": "1991-08-04"},
# => [<Person name="Bob" birthdate=date(1980, 12, 12)>,
      <Person name="Jane" birthdate=date(1991, 08, 04)>]


By default all fields are required to have values, so if you accidentally forget to specify one, you will get a ValidationError exception:

from lollipop.errors import ValidationError

    PersonType.load({"name": "Bob"})
except ValidationError as ve:
    print ve.messages  # => {"birthdate": "Value is required"}

The same applies to field types: if you specify value of incorrect type, you will get validation error.

If you want more control on your data, you can specify additional validators:

from lollipop.validators import Regexp

email_validator = Regexp(
    error='Invalid email',

UserType = Object({
    'email': String(validate=email_validator),

    UserType.load({"email": "wasa"})
except ValidationError as ve:
    print ve.messages  # => {"email": "Invalid email"}

If you just need to validate date and not interested in result, you can use validate() method:

print UserType.validate({"email": "wasa"})
# => {"email": "Invalid email"}

print UserType.validate({"email": "wasa@example.com"})
# => None

You can define your own validators:

def validate_person(person):
    errors = ValidationErrorBuilder()
    if person.name == 'Bob':
        errors.add_error('name', 'Should not be called Bob')
    if person.age < 18:
        errors.add_error('age', 'Should be at least 18 years old')

PersonType = Object({
    'name': String(),
    'birthdate': Date(),
}, validate=validate_person)

PersonType.validate({'name': 'Bob', 'age': 15})
# => {'name': 'Should not be called Bob',
#     'age': 'Should be at least 18 years old'}

or use Predicate validator and supply a True/False function to it.

Validating cross-field dependencies is easy:

def validate_person(person):
    if person.name == 'Bob' and person.age < 18:
        raise ValidationError('All Bobs should be at least 18 years old')

Changing The Way Accessing Object Data

When you define an Object type, by default it will retrieve object data by accessing object’s attributes with the same name as name of the field you define. Most often it is what you want. However sometimes you might want to obtain data differently. To do that, you define object’s fields not with Type instances, but with Field instances.

To access attribute with a different name, use AttributeField:

MyObject = namedtuple('MyObject', ['other_field'])

MyObjectType = Object({
    'field1': AttributeField(String(), attribute='other_field'),

To get data from a method instead of an attribute, use MethodField:

class Person:
    def __init__(self, first_name, last_name):
        self.first_name = first_name
        self.last_name = last_name

    def get_name(self):
        return self.first_name + ' ' + self.last_name

PersonType = Object({
    'name': MethodField(String(), method='get_name'),